School Day

Our school day starts at 8.25am and finishes at 2.25pm.

We recommend that your child is at school by 8.15am, as this gives them time to hang up their bag, catch up with friends and have a run around before the day begins.

After School

If you usually pick your child up from school and will be later than 2.35pm we appreciate if you let us know by calling the office or sending a message to the school mobile. If you do not speak to someone in person, or we do not reply to your message, please keep trying to ensure we have your message.

If you are going to be later than 3.00pm, you need to enroll your child in After School Care

If your child is not catching their usual bus, or being picked up by the usual people please send a note with your child or inform the school office before 1:30pm.

After School Care

Mrs. Diana Waite runs an independently-managed after school care program at Pukekawa School.

After school care is available Monday to Friday from 2.25pm – 5.30pm.The children are encouraged to have fun playing outside for the first hour (weather permitting), and then complete some crafts or play with some of the toys provided .  The children can also do reading and homework during this time.

$9.00/hour per child per hour

single child

$8.00/hour per child per hour

For two or more children

For further information, please contact Diana on 027 255 5876.

You can also find registration forms at the school’s information stand, located in the school foyer.

School Donations

Our school donation is $20 per term per child. This is not compulsory, but is needed to ensure we can offer quality learning experiences and resources. However, as a small rural school, we rely on the school donations as an important component in our school budget.

Did you know you can claim tax credits on school donations? You can claim a donation tax credit on school donations, as long as they go to the general fund and you have a receipt with the word ‘DONATION’ written on it.

Friday Pie-Day

On Fridays the PTA sells pies and sausage rolls for lunch.

Pies are $4 and sausage rolls are $3. Children must order in the morning and can choose from mince, mince and cheese.  

Parent Teacher Interviews and Reports

Parent teacher interviews are an opportunity to talk with your teacher about your child’s needs and progress. We have a meet the teachers informal school community gathering in February as a ‘Pool Party and Picnic.’ We hold parent/teacher interviews in July.

If you want to talk to your child’s teacher about any concerns throughout the year you are able to make an appointment with the teacher. via the office or contacting the teacher through their email.

We send written reports home with students in July and December.

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