School Day
Our school day starts at 8.25am and finishes at 2.25pm.
We recommend that your child is at school by 8.15am, as this gives them time to hang up their bag, catch up with friends and have a run around before the day begins.
Pukekawa School
Our vision is to prepare our students for lifelong learning. We encourage our students to believe in themselves, have a sense of belonging, be confident and passionate about learning. We value responsibility, initiative, confidence, honesty, excellence and respect.

Pukekawa School has seven teaching staff in a school of approximately 117 pupils. We are located on Highway 22 in Pukekawa. We are well-resourced, with five classrooms, a pool, a library, an administration building.

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Pukekawa School joined the Enviroschools program in 2012, gained a Bronze reflection in 2014, and a Silver reflection in 2018.
The aim of Enviroschools is to foster a generation of people who instinctively think and act sustainably.
At Pukekawa School our Enviro Team is made up of Enviro Leaders and Eco Warriors, and is led by Ms. Karen Tait (Pukeko Class) .